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The Magic Soap Bubble Page 3
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Page 3
The Fairies brought a lily filled with the Magic Nectar.
NED and the Gnome continued their journey down the valley, following thecrystal stream, in whose waters he had just a short time before seen hisdistorted figure, until they came to a beautiful waterfall, down whosesilvery sheen slid numerous water sprites and water fairies.
"Over yonder," exclaimed the Gnome, "lives the Fairy of the Lake. Shebrews a magic liquid from checkerberries, which, I am told, if you butdrink a thimbleful, will enable you to regain your natural shape. Thereshe goes now, over the bridge, on some such errand I dare say."
Ned watched the fairy stepping across the silver network which hungabove a miniature Niagara that he could easily have spanned with asingle step. Catching up a handful of berries he followed her, notheeding the Gnome's remark "that she would probably prefer to pick themherself," and, almost treading on some of the fairies who were blowingabout in the long grass like the flowers they represented, threw theberries in a heap at the door of her castle.
It was, indeed, a most beautiful little palace. Made of brilliantcrystals, it sparkled in the sun like a rainbow. Inside, it was evenmore exquisite, for all her little subjects, the flower fairies and thewoodland fays, had adorned it with many lovely things.
Ned stooped over and peeped in at the doorway. There was a bright lightinside which came from a little star suspended from the ceiling, thecrystal walls on all sides reflecting the light with great brilliancy.Here and there were draped beautiful laces, no doubt spun by the spiderskept by the fairies for that purpose.
"Come," said the Gnome somewhat impatiently, as Ned's curiosity stillheld him at the little castle's doorway. "Come away, or else the Queenwill not return. How is she to enter if you block up her entrance?"
Following his advice, Ned withdrew some little distance and stoodwatching the gay scene around him.
Hundreds of insects were flying about and large, gay-winged butterfliesfluttered over the flowers. On some he noticed tiny figures and otherswith blades of grass tied around the necks of robins, bluebirds andgolden orioles were also flying about in mid-air, while some sailed onthe silver backs of fishes or floated in shells upon the water near hisfeet.
"Look!" cried the Gnome suddenly, "here she comes."
A half horsechestnut, with damask roseleaf cushions, mounted on fourivy-berry wheels and with four shining beetles for horses came drivingup from the waterfall.
Leaning back in her carriage sat the Queen Fairy, fanning her face witha fly's wing.
The beetles came to a stand in front of the palace, and the Queen,gathering up her white satin dress, stepped out.
Instantly numerous ladies in waiting, jumped from off their butterflysteeds and escorted her through the palace door.
Ned cautiously peeped in again. The room was filled with fairies aboutas large as your thumb, dancing here and there and singing a low, sweetsong.
On perceiving that a mortal was gazing at them they began to dance moreslowly, and presently ceased altogether. Whereupon the Queen, lookingabout to ascertain the reason and catching sight of Ned's admiring face,exclaimed:
"No wonder you feel so faint, my little fays, and that you stop yourmerry dancing. The hot air is pouring in upon us from a fiery furnaceoutside. Look here, my giant friend," she added, coming up to Ned, "ifyou want to see how we live you mustn't hold your mouth open withastonishment. Your breath is very hot to us little people!"
With that the mischievous Queen jumped quite unexpectedly on Ned's noseand gave it a sharp pinch.
"Don't cry," said the fairy in a cheery voice, the laughs falling fromher like waterdrops from the cascade just outside; "I only wanted tolet you know what I could do; but I am ready to be as polite as youwish."
"May it please your highness," interposed the Gnome, who at this pointsqueezed himself through Ned's legs and entered the door, "to give mymortal friend a drop of your crystal nectar, in order that he may regainhis boyish shape again?"
The Queen Fairy looked politely inquisitive.
"You see, your highness," the Gnome went on to explain, "he has eatentoo heartily of gnome cake, and that together with a gobletful of gnomewatermelon juice, has caused him much inconvenience, as well as anentire change of form."
No sooner had he finished speaking than the Queen called the WaterfallFairy, the Brook Fairy and yet another, somewhat smaller, called VioletWater.
"Hasten," she said to them when they had assembled before her, "hastento make a draft of crystal nectar, that this mortal may drink and assumeonce more his natural shape."
"Move off!" cried a shrill voice in Ned's ear, and, looking up, he saw aSnapdragon, who seemed to be a sort of policeman for the fairies.
"How can you expect these Ladies-in-Waiting to fulfill their Queen'scommands if you stand there blocking the royal exit?"
"Tell your friend to sit him down and wait patiently, for it will takesome time to brew the magic draft," said the Queen to the Gnome, whorepeated her words to Ned.
He was very glad indeed to rest, for, not being accustomed to carry somuch weight on his young legs, he felt very weary and somewhatdiscouraged.
However, relief was in sight, and, following the suggestion of the goodfairy, he threw himself down on a mossy bank and waited.
Before long the three fairies returned, bearing between them a lilyfilled with a white liquid.
As they approached the Queen herself came forth from her crystal palace,followed by many of her subjects.
Stepping up to where Ned lay, she said in a soft voice: "Do not rise,for even now you are much too tall. I myself must pour this magic nectarupon your lips."
So saying, she stepped lightly upon a stone close by and, bendingforward, placed the lily to Ned's mouth.
The next moment he felt a strange sensation running through him, andlooking down at his hands and feet was delighted to see that theywere becoming smaller and smaller.
Though great was his delight, he did not forget his manners, and,turning to the little fairy, said: "How may I ever repay you for yourgreat kindness? Indeed," he added, scarcely able to restrain the tearswhich came to his eyes, "whatever would my dear mother have thought hadI returned to her in the form of a giant?"
"Thank me no more," answered the Fairy Queen, "for gladly will I do anyfavor for the boy who thinks of his mother first. In the future, shouldyou need my aid, hang this ring about a bluebird's throat and send himto me."
And with these words she placed a slender gold ring upon Ned's littlefinger.
"But how shall I catch the bird?" asked Ned, his curiosity arousedbefore he had time to think of thanking her small highness.
"Whistle thrice upon a blade of grass," she answered, "and the bird willfly to thee. Then place the ring about his neck and bid him hasten tothe Fairy Queen of the Lake."
During all this time Ned had been growing smaller and smaller. He hadalmost forgotten this, when his little friend, the Gnome, exclaimed:"There! You're your own self again!" At which Ned turned to the Queen,and, after thanking her again ran hastily to the brook to assure himselfthat such was the case.
So, bidding farewell to his kind friend, the Fairy Queen, and her threeLadies-in-Waiting, he accompanied the Gnome down the valley.